Our Youth Leadership Seminar (YLS) is quickly approaching and The Anthony Muñoz Foundation could not be more excited! Since this year’s theme is Spark we are asking the question, “What sparks you”? What motivates you and what are you passionate about within the community. Here at AMF a lot of things give us that spark to keep us going!
Let’s take a look and see what motivates our staff!
“At The Anthony Muñoz Foundation, we strive to empower all the students of the Tri-State area and develop them into the leaders they want to be”! – Anthony Muñoz
These groups continue to spark us everyday!
The volunteers help us make these events so successful and full of learning experiences.
The students, without you these events would not be happening and we would not feel complete without teaching you these lessons.
The teachers give us their time and their students so that we can give them these opportunity’s.
and lastly but not least
The community inspires us to make an impact for eternity!
AMF challenges you to go out into your community and make a difference; you’ll be surprised at how much of an influence and change you can make! Please share with us what “sparks” you, by commenting on this blog. We can’t wait to here all the wonderful things you have to say!
Caroline Wydysh
Events Intern