by amf78 | Jan 31, 2013 | Uncategorized
We decided to shake it up a little bit this week and move Where Are They Now Wednesday to Throwback Thursday! For our first Throwback Thursday we are featuring Jarrin Taul! Jarrin was one of the Foundation’s 2011 Straight “A” finalists and Scholarship Fund...
by amf78 | Jan 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
Welcome back to “Where Are They Now Wednesday!” Today we will be featuring our guest blogger, Brittney Miller! Brittney was a Scholarship Fund winner last year. She currently attends the University of Cincinnati and is majoring in social work. She still...
by amf78 | Jan 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
Talawanda knows just how to help those in need and make everyday Service Challenge Friday. Talawanda has been an important part of YLS by attending since 2005! Students who attended the Youth Leadership Seminar in collaboration with several other high schoolers came...
by amf78 | Jan 16, 2013 | Uncategorized
Welcome, to the first ever “Where Are They Now Wednesday” blog post! Each Wednesday we will be catching up with previous winners of the Straight “A” Scholarship and the Scholarship Fund. We will be posting where they are today and the things they have accomplished....
by amf78 | Jan 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
WOW… YLS Schools are really moving forward into the 2013 New Year and giving back to their community! The Anthony Muñoz Foundation has been touring all around the Tri-State area attending service challenge projects. (Not familiar with our Service Challenge Tour?...