Get “Plugged in” to your community.

This year’s Youth Leadership Seminar is only 672 hours. 28 days. 4 weeks. away! Can you believe it?! With all this talk about our theme “Plugged in,” we don’t want you forgetting about this year’s Service Challenge projects! The Service Challenge projects will start at the Seminar and end April 1, 2014.

For some of you that don’t know what Service Challenge projects are, it’s a way to inspire our school’s to come together to do something for our community. This will be our 5th annual YLS Service Challenge, and we look forward to seeing the idea’s that students come to the Seminar with. At the Seminar students will be paired up with another school to find common problems in their community, which will give them ideas on a Service Challenge project. It’s important that the project will make an ever-lasting impact on others.
Listed below are a few past projects ideas:

  • Collecting can-goods
  • Adopting a family
  • Handing out care packages to the homeless
  • Clothing/coat drive
  • Revitalize a community park, etc.

Each year for the Service Challenge projects we recognize the top two outstanding projects. When determining the winner of the Service Challenge, we will be looking at the projects

  • Lasting impact
  • Creativity
  • Amount of student participation

ImageLast year’s first place winner was Bracken County High School; they created an anti-texting and driving campaign, with their Service Challenge project. The second place Service Challenge project was from Franklin High School. The students hosted a book fair, with the funds they raised from the book fair they were able to help create a library for one of their local elementary schools.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

Have you thought about your Service Challenge project for this year? If so, please comment below and let us know what you have in mind!

Megan Barger
Experience Intern