Fall is quickly approaching which means pretty leaves, sweaters and pumpkin everything.  There is one other major thing fall brings,  our Youth Leadership Seminar (YLS)!  As you may have read in last week’s blog, our theme is “Now Trending.” We are just one month away and we want to share with you our top five favorite features of this Now Trending event.

1). Speakers:  Each year our speakers make a huge impact on YLS; they engage, motivate and inspire students to find their inner leader and make a difference.  So without further ado, we would like to introduce to you our speakers joining us this year:


Santa Ono- University of Cincinnati President

Ever since beginning his term in 2012, President Ono has truly proved himself as a unique, “trending” leader.  His involvement and passion for UC, has led him to break barriers and reach out to students, faculty in organizations in ways that is not typical for a university president.

Nick Jackson- Chief Inspiration Officer at Change Productions

Along with being the Founder and Chief Inspiration at Change Productions, a social entrepreneurship centered on creating opportunities through entrepreneurship, especially for those often over-looked, Nick is recognized for many accomplishments.  Above all, he is known for his inspirational speeches, engaging the lives of over 250,000 high school and college students.  Nick is a “trending” leader committed to assisting people of all ages reach their full potential.

Lacy “Asylum” Robinson III- Louder than a Bomb poetry contest winner

Asylum is an alumni of Aiken High School and current University of Cincinnati student. He has been writing poetry since he was a kid and notes that his poetry reflects his lifestyle and what he has been through.  Asylum is a “trending” individual who did not step out of his comfort zone until he started sharing his work; serving as an inspiration to many.

Anthony Muñoz

Where do we start with his accomplishments and accolades? Our foundation is here today with much thanks to Anthony and through his many accomplishments and determination to give back.  Anthony’s drive and commitment to better our community is what makes him a “trending” leader.

2). Break-Out Sessions:  With regards to Now Trending, we encourage students to keep in mind these three ideas: break a trend, start a trend, and be a leader.  During our break-out session, schools will be paired together to brainstorm ways to go above and beyond in their community.  This brainstorming session will be geared towards developing an idea for the Service Challenge Project.

3). Lunch: Attendants will “Eat mor chikin” as we munch on a lunch catered by Chick-Fil-A!

4). Entertainment: Our favorite rapper, KJ-52 will be joining us once again this year and will put on a private show for teachers and students.

5). YOU: Lastly, we want to make this year’s YLS the best of them all and YOU can help us accomplish this! Check and see here if your school is registered:

If your school is not listed here and wishes to re-define Now Trending,  it is still not late to visit our website and register!

Ilana Siegel

Events Intern
