As the latest intern in charge of Service Challenges, I got my first hands-on experience with one recently at a local high school. The AMF Service Challenge urges high school students to take what they learned at the Youth Leadership Seminar and apply it to their community. You can check out more about past Service Challenges here.
I got to see first-hand exactly what an AMF Service Challenge Project looks like when I visited Anderson High School’s dodgeball tournament, Dodging DIPG. DIPG is a brain tumor found near the top of the spinal cord. Lauren Hill, a highly respected member of the Cincinnati community, lost her battle to DIPG on April 10, 2015. Over 250 district students from grades 5-12 rallied together to play in the dodgeball tournament. The proceeds from Dodging DIPG raised over $2,200 for The Cure Starts Now in memory of Lauren Hill.
Anderson created a steering committee of 30 students from the Student Athlete Leadership Team who volunteered their time for the event and spread the word by going to elementary and middle schools while informing the students. I had the chance to talk to Ariel Edrington and Maggie Harris, who were a part of the steering committee, about what they were most excited for:
“We were most excited for the turnout, how many people attended the dodgeball tournament and how excited they all were to play dodgeball.”
I also had a chance to speak with the Anderson High School Principal, Mike Overbey, about what he was most excited for:
“I was excited about bringing the whole community together. Elementary and middle schools were a part of it this year. It also brings light to the people who are struggling in our community.”
The students were already looking forward to making next year’s event even bigger! Congratulations and great job to Anderson High School. Check out the slide show of their event!
Make sure to follow our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages and check out #AMFChallenge to keep up with videos and pictures from the schools a part of the AMF Challenge!
Sophie Huston, Impact Intern