The Foundation greatly appreciates any and all financial donations that are made, as your contributions are a fundamental part of helping us achieve our goal of impacting Tri-State youth. Donations are tax deductible.
If mailing your donation, please use the address below:
Anthony Muñoz Foundation
8919 Rossash Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
Fax: (513) 772-4911
Thank you for your support!
Our Impact Thanks to Your Support
One Year of an AMF Scholarship
Sends One Youth to Football Academy
Provides a Straight ‘A’ Scholarship
Provides Apparel for Youths Attending Character Camps
Provides Two Whiz Kids a Year of Tutoring
Sends One Student to Youth Leadership Seminar
Sends One Youth to an AMF Character Camp
Provides Books for Whiz Kids Students for Half the Year